速報APP / 社交 / Chatly - gay chat

Chatly - gay chat





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:Fontanskaya doroga 58 Odessa 65000 Ukraine

Chatly - gay chat(圖1)-速報App

Chatly is a new and free app for a gay chat. It will allow you to find casual or serious relationships, shared accommodation, a one-time date and much more. No registration is needed, chat starts with one click. Easy and comprehensible!


There are various adverts in the app, and they all relate to gays – for instance, search for a roommate, a companion for a lunch, a one-night relationship or a serious lifelong relationship. You can find all this in the Chatly.

Chatly - gay chat(圖2)-速報App

Random chat

You can chat with a random gay. We'll match you with a companion from your city, who is now online, and you can chat on absolutely any topic. Chat is anonymous, so you can be as uninhibited as possible in the chat.

Chatly - gay chat(圖3)-速報App


You can add any gay as a friend. If he accepts your invitation, you can communicate with him at any time. You will be notified about his messages.

Chatly - gay chat(圖4)-速報App